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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let's get serious - performance descriptors!

Well - my reflections now need to be "excellent critical and honest reflection". I need to show that i can "articulate critical incidents & essential learnings" that have contributed to my "professional learning journey" - OOPS! Looks like my blogs "need more work"!! I think I may need to edit some areas now that my blog is turning into my academic assignment!.. Anyway - online learning is a whole new ball game for this old sheila! - is that too descriptive? OK - just read Lorenzo - "Catalysts for Change: Information Fluency ........" - found it very relevant to my professional learning journey as I am not a "netgener" ( young person who has grown up with the Internet) but a Baby Boomer whose IQ is 15 to 20 points lower than a netgener. It may mean that I need to team up with a netgener to pass this course!! My brother is a casual teacher who went into a High School class to teach only to be told that their work was on Moodle - he hadn't a clue what they were talking about(he's a baby boomer)! However, thanks to this course I am now becoming more digitalised - i blog, i facebook, i wikispace, i wetpaint, i email, i forum - my information fluency skills are taking on another dimension! I am now using web 2.0 tools in my library space and i am becoming more dependent on the computer, more so than the phone, to communicate with most people at home. This course demands I go on the computer once a day for hours at a time. So I am now an "active participant" in the "participant economy". Or am i a virtual participant in a virtual world? - science fiction or fact?
I still have the cynicism of a Baby Boomer about technology takeover - however, i am a more willing participant these days. Fascinating to read about Wikipedia as "error-ridden, narrow minded, uninformative" as well as "highly informative", "valid" and "timely". So - critical literacy is paramount in discerning the truths, half truths and untruths. This seems a vital role for the TL - to help discriminate between the world of fact and fiction; virtual and real; reputable and disreputable; friend and foe etc. It is also interesting to read about Netgeners as "visual - based learners" rather than "text - based learners". Visual literacy is another area to be looked at carefully when designing our courses for our students!

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