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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

reflecting so far

my role as teacher with library responsibilities has been changing as i learn the ropes of practical, everyday tasks - dealing with different age groups and different classes - working out what they like to do and read in the library - how they would like to develop information skills. This course has been helping me go into the role in more depth - looking at all the elements of my role as future trained librarian ( if i can pass the enormous mountain of work and high expectations of our beloved academics). Speaking to an IT advisor on Oasis today said it all - most librarians don't have time for all this collection evaluation - us csu students are giving them more work in demanding certain reports to help with our evaluation. No wonder librarians value their qualifications when they finally get it - it's blood, sweat and tears to pass! Anyway - am still trying finish 503 assignment - so must go!

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