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Sunday, May 17, 2009

neglected blogs

Thought I had better do a blog to keep up with the expectations of my co-ordinators. Have been working very hard on my Collection Development Policy assignment - as trying to make up for the poor result i got for the first assignment. It has been incredibly time consuming - at work and at home. Just collecting some policies from some schools has not been as easy as collecting them from public libraries. Am wondering why schools are so possessive about them - they are supposed to be public policies and it would be wonderful if a central format was to be developed by the department then the schools would just need to individualise them and make them relevant to their school environment. Policy writing can be very tedious and technical - they need not be so difficult to write if schools were more willing to share rather than invent the wheel over and over again. Anyway - i am now trying to get this out of the way so i can go onto the other assignment for TL - am tired and looking forward to a good sleep. Should really be planning for my classes but have not had time. Looking forward to the light at the end of this academic tunnel!!

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