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Sunday, June 7, 2009

IL and the affective element

Am very impressed with Kuhlthau's ISP model's consideration of the affective domain. In myself I experience a continuum of emotions as i deal with the information seeking process - just in relation to these assignment tasks. However - i don't see a linear progression but a continuum that is dynamic and can move you forward or backward or nowhere depending on how this emotional energy is utilised. The uncertainty of what is expected of me at postgraduate level and what the markers want to see is there constantly - playing at the back of my mind propelling me to ask questions and constantly referring to the prescriptors for clarification. Optimism with a sense of anticipation and hope keeps me writing and seeking the required information. Confusion and frustration and doubt keeps me re-reading, analysing, selecting the pieces of the puzzle that may fit to give me some sense of clarity. Confidence is experienced as the assignment seems to come together but i may go through the whole gamut of emotions again and again as i evaluate, proofread and re read prescriptors. I have experienced disappointment in the evaluation of my assignment by the marker - maybe my own sense of satisfaction at trying to do this difficult course and getting through to the best of my ability and learning the ropes of academic writing as i go - the satisfaction of applying some of this knowledge to the practical tasks of teaching etc should be acknowledged if we were able to self evaluate before handing in the assignment. The disappointment element has tempted me to ditch the course but it is the satisfaction element that keeps me going - i hang on to that to see me through this semester and depending on my results- to keep me going into the next semester. The satisfaction element comes from the hope within myself that i will improve and get the academic side of things sorted out. I haven't had much positive feedback from my assignments yet just critical thinking. I live in hope!!! The affective domain is important to consider that's why we are taught to encourage children's efforts but focusing on the positive as much as possible to keep them inspired to keep going.

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